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M31, or Messier 31,  is another name for the Andromeda Galaxy. I have always had a love for astronomy and humans ability to push themselves into exploring something new. While thinking of a name for this project, I landed on M31. While I am not exploring space, this is a new experience for me and I want to keep pushing myself to grow and learn.

M31 Custom Builds is a project started in 2020 as a way to add visibility to my hobby. I thought it would be a convenient way to show people the projects I've worked on, rather than scrolling through my phone anytime someone was curious. As time went on, I realized it can expand this past my circle of friends and acquaintances. I realized it was a way for me to connect with people interested in my work. A way to ask and answer questions and a way to get my work out into the world.

 I started woodworking and building in my garage in 2016, after my graduation as an mechanical engineer. Since then, my skills have developed and my interests have increased. As an engineer, I have worked in multiple industries and with varying workloads, so its nice to come home and be able to work at my own pace. My experiences have given me the ability to work with many materials, such as wood, steel and aluminum, composites, and occasionally plastics.

Feel free to explore this site, check out my social media, and get in touch if you see anything you like. I would be happy to share plans, ideas, and suggestions. I may even be able to design or build something for you. I would love to see if we can work together to make your vision a reality.

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